In memoriam: William Mitchell

William Mitchell, architetto, urbanista, professore al MIT, tra i maggiori studiosi delle trasformazioni della vita urbana e delle forme delle città sotto l’influenza delle tecnologie digitali, è mancato a 65 anni (vedi la notizia e il resoconto biografico ufficiale del MIT).

Ritratto di William Mitchell

Ho scoperto il suo nome molto tardi, tra 2004 e 2005, come colui che tra le altre cose aveva coniato l’espressione e l’idea dei “Living Labs” — il resto nella versione inglese di questo post.

Mi chiedo se sia mai stato tradotto in italiano — o se ora ci penserà qualcuno.


2 commenti su “In memoriam: William Mitchell”

  1. Hi is there away to trace the original document where he states this? because i am trying to find the original document where he mentions those words but apprently it just appeared around 2005-2006 in an article written by

    Niitamo, V.-P., Kulkki, S., Eriksson, M., Hribernik, K. A. (2006): State-of-the-Art and Good Practice in the Field of Living Labs. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising: Innovative Products and Services through Collaborative Networks. Italy: Milan. 26 – 28 June. pp. 349-357
    – citation 2006 – 54 & 2006 – 71

    [The Living Lab idea] [O]riginates from the MIT, Boston, Prof Wiliiam Mitchell, MediaLab and School of Architecture and city planning. ‘Living Labs as a research methodology for sensing, prototyping, validating and refining complex solutions in multiple and evolving real life contexts’.

  2. hi Harri, sorry I don’t have indications more specific than the ones reported in my post. You’ll notice that the first author of the paper is also my source – Veli-Pekka Niitamo. I guess you might just ask him 🙂 (drop me an email to lgalli at pobox dot com, I think I have his contacts info somewhere).

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